make better use of

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make better use of

更新时间:2025-03-10 23:54:05
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make better use of是什么意思

1. The circular economy refers to efforts to make better use of recyclable goods in a bid to reduce the capital's demand for material resources.

2. The move is expected to make better use of the pension funds, infuse fresh blood into the capital market and bring lucrative business opportunities to fund managers.

3. He said China will make better use of foreign capital to help upgrade industrial structure and technological innovation.

4. Responding to the concern raised by the members of the Antiquities Advisory Board, she said all efforts would be made to make better use of the historical building.

5. There is a lot of source material for arts, and we should make better use of it.

6. Water conservationists are urging the authorities in Guangdong to set up a special water supply group to make better use of drinking water.

7. The Ministry of Commerce first drafted a regulation in 2004 and revised it this year, aiming to give detailed guidance and make better use of foreign investment.

8. BEIJING - China has built its first experimental fast neutron reactor which will help make better use of the nuclear energy.

9. The government plans to launch a state forex investment company to make better use of the country's huge foreign exchange reserve.

10. The official said disabled persons'federations at all levels will make use of volunteers to better help disabled people this year.

1. I don't think it worthwhile and I don't understand why people can't make better use of their time dring the day.

2. Second, and most important of all, I want to make better use of my free time.

3. make better use of的翻译

3. We could make better use of our resources.

4. make better use of什么意思

4. Boo hoo. I'm all for arbitrage, but you have to make sure you don't get caught: 4 - Dont allow banned accounts to be reinstated Never had an account banned so I can't say much about this. If it really is a zero-tolerance policy then it's not necessarily a bad thing - although accounts that are wrongly banned for suspicious activity should be reactivated once the mistake is discovered. Google will only get better at detecting fraud though, so the number of false positives should decrease. 3 - They're everywhere A testament to its simplicity and ease of use.
- 不许套利很多人觉得,使用AdSense交叉牟利并不违反AdSense的许可政策,其实很多人都在做这样的事情,关键在于你要保证自己不会被抓住:4 -不允许禁用帐号重新申请如果AdSense真的是零容忍政策,那不一定是坏事,虽然帐户因为可疑活动被误封,在错误被发现后应该允许重新激活,Google只能优化欺诈检测系统,这样误封的可能性才会减少。

5. make better use of

5. Then we design the position controller. P-PI position controller and IP position controller are designed by engineering design plan. By comparing, the exoterical analysis and simulation results show that use P-PI position controller can make the output on the trail of the input of the step signal better.

6. make better use of的解释

6. The existing grid, tweaked and smartened to make better use of its power stations, should be infrastructure enough.

7. As the space temperature determines the level of direct evaporative humidifier efficiency of gasification, the sensible heat load in the space relatively high, particularly the application of evaporative humidifier, we can make use of the indoor heat gasification efficiency humidifier increased so as to achieve faster and better results more satisfactory humidification.

8. IT is thought the skin have so much member, but the water`s contain to 70% and for the skin leading in physiology, so that forn he`s water principle theory——he thought, the skin not better absorb for the effect component and illness or senescence whether it from the skin and the body`s others but common qround is the same for the run short of the water in the cell and conjunctive tissue. in his manufacture in 1998 the new name came out and was named ——TORSION. for the technology he make use of the cosmetic ordinary `s drink aqua and lock the water capability when you use it, not only can keeping the skin have plenitudinous moisture, so that the skin deeply suck then using the ordinary cosmetic drink component hillpear mellow molecule deriive `s than hillpear mellowdrink`s capability high 1~2 times for β- hillpear mellow.
他认为虽然皮肤有多种成分,但水分却占到了70%,对皮肤的生理肯定起着主导性作用,基于此形成了他的Water principle研究理论。认为皮肤对有效成分的吸收不彻底,以及疾病或衰老,无论它来自皮肤还是身体的其他部位,其共同点都是一样的,那就是在细胞和结缔组织中缺少了水。在他的精心研制下,利用化妆品常用的吸水剂山梨醇分子衍生出比山梨醇吸水剂吸水能力高出1-2倍的β—山梨醇,大大提高了皮肤的补水和锁水能力,使皮肤保持充足的水分,从而使肌肤对化妆品有效成分的吸收更为彻底。通过上万例的化妆品配方应用试验后,此技术于1998年在雅邦国际化妆品研究机构得到了推广,并利用Makinsdi.Dr的研究办公室作为新品的命名—TORSION。

9. IT is thought the skin have so much member, but the water`s contain to 70% and for the skin leading in physiology, so that forn he`s water principle theory——he thought, the skin not better absorb for the effect component and illness or senescence whether it from the skin and the body`s others but common qround is the same for the run short of the water in the cell and conjunctive tissue. in his manufacture in 1998 the new name come out and naming ——TORSION. for the technology he make use of the cosmetic ordinary `s drink aqua and lock the water capability when you use it, ont only can keeping the skin have plenitudinous moisture, so that the skin deeply suck then using the ordinary cosmetic drink component hillpear mellow molecule deriive `s than hillpear mellowdrink`s capability high 1~2 times for β- hillpear mellow.
他认为虽然皮肤有多种成分,但水分却占到了70%,对皮肤的生理肯定起着主导性作用,基于此形成了他的Water principle研究理论。认为皮肤对有效成分的吸收不彻底,以及疾病或衰老,无论它来自皮肤还是身体的其他部位,其共同点都是一样的,那就是在细胞和结缔组织中缺少了水。在他的精心研制下,利用化妆品常用的吸水剂山梨醇分子衍生出比山梨醇吸水剂吸水能力高出1-2倍的β—山梨醇,大大提高了皮肤的补水和锁水能力,使皮肤保持充足的水分,从而使肌肤对化妆品有效成分的吸收更为彻底。通过上万例的化妆品配方应用试验后,此技术于1998年在法国雅邦国际化妆品研究机构得到了推广,并利用Makinsdi.Dr的研究办公室作为新品的命名—TORSION。

10. I think you'd better make use of your spare time better.

11. Planning as a news media phenomenon, since the last century since the mid-90's, has been a concern of China's hot news, one of the academic community, in order to make better use of information and practical guidance.

12. Although very few of the things that we herbalists make are useful for all natural skincare, I thought that I could use my knowledge of herbs and extracts to help make better products.

13. Then call I again sell some thing to his customer, then together calculate, then I again sold 10 IPODs to him, is 400 dollars this time, so totally was 600, I again is continue to urge a style, his bank is again deliver to confirm an information, let me again confirm a bank account information, I also shone on to do, however waited for a day, the but again hair letter interest say, 600 dollars is also too little, at least 1000 dollars, they just handle, this under, I felt be a lier, however I still make great effort of want money take come back, however lier return continue of want let me deliver goods to he, I didn't agree, I call him use west allied the remittance give° money me, I have already waited for a day, say that I am wrong for his address as a result, I again cautiously give° the address he, I ask him on the second day, he says west allied not give Chinese remittance, the TMD is really bogus, I know west allied is any nation all can of, I this is thoroughly next to know to be cheated, I am originally to want to become friends with a foreign friend, the later business would be better to do, so this two of the things all didn't earn his money, and still I pay freight by myself and totally cost me just about 4000 dollars.

14. Producing PHAs, and then were orientationally inserted into a prokaryotic expression vector pBV220. By analyzing the bioactibity and function of their products, the biological function of phaA, phaB and phaC was confirmed. These have been done in our laboratory. To make better use of the three genes by plant bioreactor, two groups of different plant expression vectors that can be used to produce PHAs in different plants were constructed, and the transformation of PHA in Oxalis triangnlaris has been preliminarily reseached. The following is the main results:Three plant expression vectors pBI121-A, pBI121-B and ubquiting-C, which can be used to be transformed into Oxalis triangularis were respectively constructed by using the phaA, phaB and phaC.

15. If you follow a definite pattern, you can certainly make better use of your time.

16. It can be concluded from the above analysis that at the beginning of language, simple linguistic signs, coming from sound imitation, natural exclamation and morphological stimulation, took a strong feature of iconicity, while arbitrariness still existed to a little extent. With time going by, the primitives had to create more linguistic signs to meet their needs of survival and development, so that they arbitrarily related the sound patterns and concepts to conventionalize them as linguistic signs adopted in the whole society. During this period of time, arbitrariness played a more important role, while iconicity still worked as phenomena of phonaesthesia designate. With society developing, human beings found that it was not enough to create new signs at will, so they began to make use of some principles like compound, derivation, etc. to form new linguistic signs, either simple or complex. The linguistic signs formed during this period of time always took a better disguise to be iconic, while no one until now could defuse the contributions of arbitrariness of their formation. From the above investigations, it can be seen that arbitrariness and iconicity interact in the whole process of language development at the level of lexicon. If there were no arbitrariness, human language could not expand at the very beginning.

17. Of course, to make good use of maps tend to be more awareness Mizushina better cfer, but as a rookie, if we can reasonable use of the radar map, it could make up a lot of the technological gap, the Greek We hope that through my presentation can be harvested, the inadequacies of the message please.

18. The company is committed to providing customers with the application of Web services, information security, holistic solutions that enable enterprises to make better use of the the company's services, fast channel cut into the InterNet network engage in business services, and guaranteed service uses the security, thereby enhancing production efficiency and enhance competitiveness.
公司致力于為客户提供网络各项应用服务、信息安全的整体化解决方案,使企业能够更好利用本公司的服务,快速的切入 InterNet 网络渠道从事经营服务,及保证服务使用的安全,从而提高生產效率,增强竞争力。

19. So this paper circum the nuclear of private benefits, discuss the origin of control power, and on basis of that, l give the definition of private benefits of control and use a model to analyze the relationship between private benefits and investor protection. From the view of corporate governance, I make research on how to consummate the interior and exterior mechanisms of investor protection and combine the two mechanisms together to limit insider's abuse of control power, reduce private benefits. I hope through these we can do better to investor protection in China's securities market.


20. If I am a purchaser, I am sure that I would do it better. Because I have so many years experience and the related specialized knowledge. I think I can make good use of them in my work, and can create more valuable things for the company.

Managers can make better use of both fixed and matrixed resources.(管理者可以更好地利用固定的和矩阵模型的资源。)
Armed with these concepts, you'll make better use of the modeling tool as you incorporate it into your development methodology.(了解了这些概念之后,当您在开发方法中使用建模工具时,将更好地利用它们。)
Deadlines slipping? Essays always late? Never enough hours in the day? Here's how we could all make better use of our time.(截止日期不断逼近?论文总是不能如期完成?天天感叹时间不够用?这里,我们一起聊聊如何更好地利用时间。)
Improved devices may make better use of sunlight.(改良的设备可以更好地利用阳光。)
We can then design more programs and ultimately make better use of the knowledge that we have.(我们可以设计更多的项目,最终更好地利用我们已经掌握的知识。)
This doesn't mean you have to take time off work - it just means you should try to make better use of your non-work time to do something fun.(这不代表着你不去做你的工作,恰恰意味着你要充分利用非工作时间去放松一下。)
Busier people have less time to shop and want to make better use of their time.(愈发忙碌的人们都没时间购物,希望更好的安排时间。)
Many economists have argued that farmers need to be able to make better use of their rights to farmland in order to raise living standards.(许多经济学家此前指出,应赋予农民更好的支配土地使用权的能力,这样才能改善农民的生活水平。)
Virtualisation lowers costs by enabling firms to make better use of their servers and buy fewer new ones.(虚拟化让企业优化使用服务器,减少新服务器采购,从而降低了成本。)
For the past decade Western donors have been campaigning to boost the amount of aid they give to poor countries and to try to make better use of it.(在过去十年中,西方捐助者一直在采取各种行动努力提高对穷国援助的数量和效率。)
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